Pet help

Save pets


This project aims to raise awareness of the problem of pet owners not being able to afford expensive treatment for their pets. The project will do this by creating a website and social media campaign that highlights the issue and provides information about resources that are available to help pet owners pay for treatment. 


The project will also organize fundraising events to collect money for pets that need expensive treatment. The money raised will be used to help pay for the cost of surgery, medication, and other treatments.

Design Process:

  • I built the website using WordPress, a popular content management system that is known for its ease of use and flexibility.
  • I implemented a donation system using the GiveWP plugin, which is a powerful and versatile tool for collecting donations online.
  • The donation system is fully integrated with the website, making it easy for users to donate money and track their donations.
  • The system is also secure and compliant with PCI standards, ensuring that donors’ financial information is protected.

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