National Assembly of operational excellence

Perfomance Excellence Optimized. Implementer.


The National Assembly of Operational Excellence is a management consulting firm that helps businesses improve their operational efficiency. The company provides a variety of services, including recruiting, training, and consulting.

I was tasked with designing a new website for the National Assembly of Operational Excellence. The goal of the website was to create a modern and professional online presence for the company.

Design Process:

I started the design process by researching the company’s target audience. I wanted to create a website that would appeal to both businesses and potential employees.

I then created a wireframe for the website. This helped me to visualize the overall layout of the website and to identify the most important content.

Once the wireframe was approved, I began designing the website’s interface. I used Figma to create the interface designs.

I then created the website’s graphics using Adobe Illustrator and Affinity Designer. I wanted the graphics to be modern and visually appealing.

Finally, I built the website using WordPress. I chose WordPress because it is a user-friendly platform that is easy to manage.

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