
CyberSecurity Social Media advertisement content


The design process began with research into Omninet’s target audience. I wanted to understand their needs and pain points in order to create an advertisement that would resonate with them. I also researched the competition to see what other companies were doing in terms of desktop app advertising.


Once I had a good understanding of the target audience and the competitive landscape, I began to sketch out some ideas for the advertisement. I wanted to create something that was visually appealing and that would grab attention. I also wanted to make sure that the advertisement accurately reflected Omninet’s brand.


I used Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, and Premiere Pro to create the video. I also used a DJI drone to film the action. The final product is a 30-second video that showcases the benefits of Omninet’s services.


I am confident that this advertisement will be effective in raising awareness of Omninet’s services and generating leads. The video is visually appealing,


informative, and engaging. It accurately reflects Omninet’s brand and it speaks to the needs of the target audience.

Design Process:

I started the design process by researching CD WAN technology and understanding the benefits it offers. I then created a storyboard that would illustrate the key concepts in a clear and concise way. Once the storyboard was approved, I began designing the individual scenes in Figma. I used Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, and Premiere Pro to create the final video.


The video was a success and it helped Omninet to increase awareness of their technology. I am proud of the work I did on this project and I am confident that it will help Omninet to achieve their business goals.


Here are some additional details about the design process:

  • I used a variety of colors and graphics to create a visually appealing video.
  • I used clear and concise language to explain the key concepts of CD WAN technology.
  • I used animation to make the video more engaging and informative.
  • I used sound effects and music to create a professional and polished feel.


I am confident that the video I created will help Omninet to achieve their business goals.

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