
CyberSecurity Social Media advertisement content


Omninet is a company that uses CD WAN technology to optimize and secure Internet connection for the corporate world. I was tasked with creating a series of videos that would explain how Omninet’s technology works and the benefits it offers.

Design Process:

I started the design process by researching CD WAN technology and understanding how it works. I then created a series of wireframes to visualize the different elements of the videos. Once the wireframes were approved, I began creating the graphics and animations in Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, and Premiere Pro.


I wanted the videos to be visually appealing and engaging, while also being informative and easy to understand. I used a variety of animation techniques to create a dynamic and visually interesting experience. I also used clear and concise language to explain the complex concepts of CD WAN technology.

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